Islip Limo Blog

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If you have a layover at LaGuardia Airport, you can make the most of it by getting out and enjoying the city. There are many fun activities that you can try out, and we offer a reliable LaGuardia airport shuttle to meet your needs. When you find that you have some time on your hands due...
If you have visited New York, you already know that New York City is one of the few places in the world where there is always something to do. Whether you are enjoying the spring showers or basking out in the summer sun, there is always something to do in the Big Apple. With summer...
Some of the most exciting events in New York are held on the 4th of July; this is arguably the most joyous time of the year in the city, perhaps even more than Christmas. If you are wondering what to do with yourself this Independence Day, our limo service in Long Island has got you...
The average cost of hosting a wedding ceremony is $20,000, making it one of the costliest life events for most people, next to college education. The average wedding is far more expensive than most home down payments, most vehicles, most births, etc. However, don’t let this scare you if...

3 Best Cities to Visit after Graduation

Posted on Apr 30th 2019

It is expected that immediately after graduation you will be filled with nothing but excitement, but the truth is that after graduation you experience a roller coaster of emotions - anxiety, happiness, sadness, uncertainty, and pride. Each emotion takes its turn occupying your mind and...

Hotels vs. Airbnb for Business Travel

Posted on Apr 24th 2019

One of the most crucial aspects of business travel has to be accommodation and hotels have over time grown into a billion-dollar industry as a result of the heavy demand for accommodations by business travelers in cities and towns all over the country. Recently, however, we have seen a...

The Risks of Ride-Sharing

Posted on Apr 16th 2019

Transport network corporations, otherwise known as ride-sharing companies, have been steadily increasing in popularity over the past decade. These app-based companies offer convenient forms of transportation at a moment’s notice and they have spread out to even the most remote parts of...
New York is a global business hub and it is not unlikely that you have, or regularly visit, the Empire State for business purposes. However, have you ever stopped to consider that there may be more to this global powerhouse than meets the eye? Well, this may not be your main concern on a...

4 Things to Do this April in New York

Posted on Apr 3rd 2019

New York is known as the city that never sleeps, but even for such a nocturnal city, the cold can really slow things down. But now that spring is in full swing, the sun is finally out, the flowers are in bloom, and the city finally looks alive again. It’s time to get out of that cocoon...

The Art of the Business Dinner

Posted on Mar 26th 2019

Whether you run a small business, or you run a multi-national conglomerate, hosting a business dinner is one way to fortify ties with your clients and business associates. However, hosting a business dinner is not exactly like enjoying dinner with an old friend, there are a few measures...