As we approach the end of the first quarter of the year, we carry with us the lessons we have learned in the past few months and the optimism that the next quarter will be filled with success and prosperity. Business priorities will shift and business travel will increase in our bid to readjust and hit the targets we set at the onset of the year. Millennials are the most frequent business travelers and, as a result, they have largely influenced the travel trends we have witnessed so far this year.
Our Limo Service in Long Island understands that we have to constantly evolve and adjust in business and this is no different when it comes to traveling. As such, our Long Island limousine service has decided to share some of the most relevant business travel trends for 2018 with you, and we hope it keeps you informed and enhances you traveling experiences in a positive way for the rest of the year.
Growing Use of Mobile Devices
While you may have been aware of this trend, the use of mobile devices evolves and expands each year. A lot of us already use mobile devices to book flights, respond to important emails, communicate with loved ones, conduct research, make bank transactions, keep in touch with the office etc. while we are on the road. But mobile devices are being used for much more than just these functions now; travelers are now using their mobile devices to check hotel websites and secure accommodations, check travel booking sites, secure professional transportation services, check real-time exchange rates, and much more.
In 2018, most business-related websites have gone above and beyond to ensure that their sites are mobile-compatible and, as a result, there is almost nothing you cannot do on your mobile device while you are in the go. You can book your transportation, too. At Islip Limo, our app offers you a fast, simple and secure booking system. Plus, you get a $5 discount for all mobile app bookings.
Travel Programs
According to Uniglobe, the world's largest single-brand travel franchise company, with rising competition for talent amongst companies, most employers have begun taking advantage of travel programs that will enable employees to take advantage of business destinations, using them for leisurely activities and getaways. Uniglobe expects that the already thinning line between traveling for work and for fun to blur even further as companies seek to offer their employees a more flexible work-life balance and keep their morale and job satisfaction high. This trend could end up saving both the company and their employees time and big bucks on both the business and recreational travel since it essentially entails hitting two birds with one stone. A single trip for work and fun. Companies that employ such programs will also have a higher employee retention rate and productivity level because work feels less like a task this way and is associated more with fun.
Hotel Technology
We have already mentioned the rising use of mobile technology, but we found it imperative to single out the hotels’ application because this is where you will be spending a majority of your time on a business trip. Some hotels are programing your mobile device to act as your room key and some can even program the device to replace in-room controls. For example, by making it possible to readjust the thermostat from your phone, control entertainment equipment, adjust the room lighting, close the curtains, and so forth. So if you have chosen to stay old-school and avoid smartphones, very soon you may not have a choice; might as well get with the times now.